你的跨文化教練 intercultural Coach
The first step to improve your immigration is intercultural communication
你的跨文化教練 intercultural Coach
The first step to improve your immigration is intercultural communication
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The first step to improve your immigration is intercultural communication
The first step to improve your immigration is intercultural communication
我們希望與藝術家、領袖以及對預防、處理和從衝突中恢復,以促進社會凝聚和理解具有一般興趣的人分享溝通和談判技巧。 We want to share communication and negotiation skills with artists, leaders, and people who have a general interest in preventing, handling, and recovering from conflict so there will be more cohesion and understanding in society.
ESEA Contemporary很高興與經驗豐富的跨文化教練Karen Cheung Dyer和Selana Kong合作,舉辦Points-of-You®衝突管理工作坊。
新的文化環境可能會帶來獨特的挑戰,學習有效的衝突管理技能對於正在經歷過渡的人至關重要。這跨文化工作坊促進幫助你學習何處理衝突, 促進積極的人際關係、消除溝通障礙和建立社區意識。藝術與創意思維使參與者能夠有效地進行日常問題解決。Points-of-You®教練遊戲的視覺提示和對話過程使參與者擴大他們的觀點,探索新的可能性,並激發採取行動以更有效地應面對生活, ,賦予他們應對各種情況的能力。
第一個工作坊“衝突管理簡介”將於11月24日上午11點至12:30在esea Studio舉行。 註冊: https://www.eseacontemporary.org/events/points-of-you-r-conflict-management-workshop
第二個工作坊“ “流暢溝通” ”將於12月8日上午11點至12:30在esea Studio舉行。註冊: https://www.eseacontemporary.org/events/points-of-you-r-conflict-management-december-workshop
esea contemporary is pleased to host Points-of-You® Conflict Management Workshops in collaboration with experienced intercultural coaches Karen Cheung Dyer and Selana Kong.
In this collaborative effort sessions are tailored not only to ESEA communities but also to those with a general interest in conflict prevention, resolution, and recovery, with the aim of fostering enhanced cohesion and understanding within society. These workshops serve as a valuable resource, particularly for new immigrants, helping them to acclimatise to their new life in the diverse and vibrant city of Manchester.
Navigating a new cultural landscape can present unique challenges, and acquiring effective conflict management skills is crucial for individuals undergoing this transition. Learning to manage conflicts in a cross-cultural context is essential for fostering positive relationships, breaking down communication barriers, and building a sense of community. The integration of art with creative thinking skills equips participants for effective daily problem-solving. By engaging with Points-of-You® coaching games, where visual prompts and conversational processes enable the participants to broaden their perspectives, explore new possibilities, and inspire action to navigate life more effectively, empowering them to take charge of various situations.
The first workshop ‘Introduction to Conflict Management’ will take place on
24 November from 11am – 12:30pm at esea Studio.
Register here: esea contemporary
This is a free workshop, please consider making a donation when booking your ticket.
Second Workshop 8 December 2023, 11:00 - 12:30
Registere here: esea contemporary
This is a free workshop, please consider making a donation when booking your ticket.
新移民到英國的香港人或願意支持其他新移民到英國的人。 該小組特別 適合衝突管理有需要的 人力資源專業人士 。 "New immigrants to the UK from Hong Kong or those willing to support other new immigrants to the UK. This group is especially suitable for human resources professionals with a need for conflict management."
調解是一種自願和保密的程序,用於解決兩個或更多人、企業或其他組織之間的糾紛。 比如學校和家長之間。 調解員是獨立公正的第三人,可以幫助您討論問題、進行談判並達成雙方都同意的解決方案。 在採取法律行動之前最好進行調解,因為它可以節省 90% 的法律費用,而且比上法庭解決糾紛要快得多。 Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process used to settle a dispute between two or more people, businesses, or other organisations. For example, between school and parents.
A mediator is an independent and impartial third person, to help you talk through the issues, negotiate, and come to a mutually agreeable solution. It is best to mediate before taking legal action because it saves 90% of legal costs and it is much faster than going to court to settle a dispute.
除刑事案件外,所有案件都適合調解。 調解 過程 促進各方之間的直接溝通,並有助於恢復信任、關係和長期合作。 它還處理涉及多方的複雜事務,例如學校、父母、子女和地方當局的 需要 。家庭調解是針對需要解決離婚和監護權相關問題的夫妻之間的糾紛。 調解也有利於解決繼承、財產和商業合同糾紛 Family mediation is for disputes between couples who need to settle divorce &custody-related issues. Mediation is also good for settling inheritance, properties, and commercial contract disputes. Mediation facilitates direct communication between the parties and helps restore trust, relationships, and long-term collaboration. It also deals with complex matters involving multiple parties such as schools, parents children, and local authorities. All cases except for criminal cases are suitable for mediation.
您可以在英國民事調解委員會找到調解。 如果您正在尋找可以幫助您進行中文口譯和溝通的調解員,請聯繫國際爭議解決與風險管理英國中心 International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management UK Centre – 國際爭議解決與風險管理協會(idrrmi.org) You can find mediation in the UK Civil Mediation Council. If you are looking for mediators who can help you with Chinese interpretation and communication, contact the International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management UK Centre International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management UK Centre – International Dispute Resolution & Risk Management Institute (idrrmi.org)
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