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Mrs. Selana Kong B.Mus, M.Ed, Clore Fellow
Selana是一位獲得認證的公司治理顧問、教練和調解 員 ,她為英國的藝術和文化組織提供支持。在加拿大、香港、北京和英國擁有30年的文化領導經驗,她為她的角色帶來了豐富的知識。目前,Selana是北威爾士歌劇工作室的成員,國際音樂節 Internatinal Eisteddfod 董事 , AC 國際教練協會 的區域協調員,以及國際爭端解決和風險管理英國中心的總經理。自2021年移居英國,現居於北威爾士的Llangollen。
Accredited Corporate Governance consultant, Coach and Mediator who supports arts and cultural organistaions in the UK. She has 30 years of cultural leadership experience in Canada, Hong Kong, Beijing and the UK. Selana is currently a member of the North Wales Opera Studio; Vice-Chair of the International Musical Eisteddfod Competitor Committee; Musical Director of the Madrigals; Regional Coordinator of the Association for Coaching; and Managing Director of International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management UK Centre. Relocated to the UK since 2021 and now lives in Llangollen in North Wales.
Mrs. Karen Cheung Dyer B.Ed., M.A., M.B.A.
具有豐富調解教練、調解 員 、培訓師、企業所有者、Points-of-you(觀點之你)指導者和大學兼職講師經驗。自2022年起移居英國,現在將曼徹斯特視為家。
Experienced Mediation Coach, Mediator, Trainer, Business owner, Points-of-you facilitator, Part-time Lecturer in Universities. Relocated to UK since 2022 and now making Manchester home.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
教練是一種互動體驗,我將幫助您發現自己的目標和熱情,並利用它們幫助您走上通往自己想要的生活的道路。 Coaching is an interactive experience where we discover your goals and your passions and use them to help you travel down a path to the life you want.
我們在一起的每一次談話都受到保密的約束。 不僅是現在,而且是未來。 Every conversation we have together is bound by confidentiality. Not only now but also it is honoured into the future.
您的教練過程所需的時間取決於您目標的複雜程度以及您對過程的承諾和開放程度。 教練合同通常持續 6 - 12 節課,持續時間約為 6 -12 個月。 The time that your coaching process will take depends on the complexity of your goals and your commitment and openness to your process. A coaching contract usually last between 6 - 12 sessions over about 6 -12 months.
Hope For Future
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